Friday, February 03, 2006

Why healing?

When you think about why there might be persons who experience disability in the world, typically you come up with two types of responses. The one states that people are disabled by design. That is, God made them that way. It is the "who made man's mouth" argument that God gives to Moses when he doesn't want to lead because of his apparent poor speaking ability. The other side is the perspective that along with disease and death, disability entered the world at the time of the Fall of man. Prior to that time, there would be no disabilty, by design or otherwise. One wonders about the range of creativity God might have used at that point in areas like memory and other aspects of cognitive functioning to the point of a level of functioning being what one might call a disability.

Anyway, the question which I have been considering lately, is that if God created people with disabilities by His design, that is He made them that way, why would Jesus go to the trouble of healing many of those who came into His life? If they were disabled by design, and that was just another creative aspect of the creation, he might as well as changed the hair color of the Middle Eastern people from black to blonde, or their ethnicity from Middle Eastern to Caucasian.. If disability is a natural part of God's creation by design, why heal? God didn't heal Moses' mouth.

Somebody smarter than me needs to wrestle with these issues to provide a greater understanding of disability.

Anyway, something to think about.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Knowus

    I would say that everything is in some way ordained by God. Nothing happens that is not the express or at least the permissive will of God.
    'Everything is made for God's purposes, even the unrighteous man for the day of judgement.' (Proverbs)
    I have concluded that the disabled (at least the ones that don't get any benefit from a raucous miracle crusade) are on assignment to reveal God in the weakest among us.

    Mother Teresa's habit of seeing the face of Christin every suffering and rejected soul she met and acting appropriately on tis truth is a good way for the Church to respond to the marginalized and handicapped.

    Perhaps the disabled can say as Paul did in Col. 1:24 'I am making up for what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ for your sake.'

    We can't idealize the conduct and attitude of every disabled person but we can honour them as being like Christ in their rejection and suffering. A suffering that may be an integral part of our own salvation.
