Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hello from Cape Town!

Well, for the next week or so, I am in Cape Town South Africa at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability. I am doing 3 presentations, 2 related to church and disability issues. I am also hoping to be involved in the start up of a division of the organization devoted to issues of church and disability. I can tell you that after 24 hours here, I have only seen one disabled man, who I gave my change to, walking on crutches. I am very excited to meet Africans and learn about disability here.

So, should you make a comment and I am a bit slow in posting it, please be patient. I will share more of my experiences here later.



  1. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Hello Cape Town! Keep safe out there! May God be with you. Also, bless all your new global friends.
    Lead the way.

  2. Hey, one of my professors is at that same conference- she's getting an award there.

    That's awesome that you're talking with them about setting up a division at IASSID for church and disability. Keep us updated on how that turns out!
