Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Free articles from the Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability

The Joni and Friends organization's Christian Institute on Disability launched the Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability one year ago.  Subscriptions are available at their website.

You can also free copies of two articles from the first two issues.  This is something that the journal plans to provide with every issue: one free downloadable article.

The first free article is...

What Would Be Better?

Social Role Valorization and the Development of
Ministry to Persons Affected by Disability 
  MA R C   T U M E I N S K I   A N D   J E F F   MCNA I R

There is much that Christian churches can learn from relevant secular

approaches and adapt to support integration and participation within our
congregations for adults with impairments. One of these approaches is
Social Role Valorization developed by Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger. In this
approach, one considers the relevance of image and competency of devalued
individuals and how these two areas impact access to “the good things
of life.” This article applies these principles to the inclusion of vulnerable
congregational members into the life of the Christian church, asking the
question, “What would be better?” as a prompt for those in leadership to
reflect on their current practices with an eye toward maturity in their practices
as they intersect the lives of devalued people.
The second free article is...
Almost Friends



A survey was conducted of human services professionals working with
individuals with developmental disabilities regarding issues related to
friendship. Seventy-six percent agreed that there is a difference in friendship
between people being paid to be with a consumer of services and
those choosing to be with that same individual. The authors concluded
that it appears that those individuals serving persons with developmental
disabilities are “almost friends” in that although they are potentially
friendly, they are paid to be with those with whom they interact, and that
for these and a variety of other reasons are not able to be real friends.
To download these articles, go to the following website.



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