Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Follow Me Session #1 - Light and Power Company

In our Light and Power group, we are studing the "Follow Me" Bible study curriculum.  This curriculum is being studied church wide in the Sunday sermon and weekly Bible studies.  Here is the session for the first week of Follow Me. It is about a half hour.
This will also give you a feel for how we run our weekly teaching time.

Special thanks to Curtis Hall for putting this video together.


Light and Power Company - Follow Me Session #1


1 comment:

  1. This is really great stuff. What better way to teach than to let us sit in on a real live class. I wonder if you could point out some of the particulars of your pedagogy for us. For example, I noticed that you reviewed basic questions about the book which allows opportunity for participation while simultaniously accomodating those who have difficulty remembering without repetition. I also noticed that you were intentionally reading more slowly.
